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[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 1300 - 1399]    RFC 1394: Relationship of Telex Answerback Codes to Internet Domains
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RFC 1394:
Relationship of Telex Answerback Codes to Internet Domains


Network Working Group                                       P. Robinson
Request for Comments: 1394                       Tansin A. Darcos & Co.
                                                           January 1993

       Relationship of Telex Answerback Codes to Internet Domains

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is


   This RFC gives the list, as best known, of all common Internet
   domains and the conversion between specific country telex answerback
   codes and Internet country domain identifiers.  It also lists the
   telex code and international dialing code, wherever it is available.
   It will also list major Internet "Public" E-Mail addresses.

   This list is designed to show the corresponding codes for Fax and
   voice messages, telex country codes, telex answerbacks and Internet
   domains.  It is an attempt to place all of the information into one
   list and all the connections for each country.

Table of Contents

   How to use this document   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   Name of Area/Country/Item
      A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
      B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
      C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
      D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
      E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
      F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
      G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
      H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
      I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
      J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
      K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
      L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
      M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
      N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
      O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
      P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
      Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
      R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

Robinson                                                        [Page 1]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

      S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
      T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
      U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
      V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
      W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
      Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
      Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Notes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Author's Address  . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15

How to use this document

   All entries are column alligned.  Where an entry ends with a comma,
   it means that additional entries appear beginning at the starting
   column for that entry on the following line.  Four dashes appear
   where no telephone code is known for an area; three dashes appear for
   all other missing or unknown information.

   The information in this document was obtained from several sources in
   multiple countries; while reasonable care was used in preparing this
   document, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed; in some cases the codes
   may not be correct.  We welcome corrections as well as additional
   countries/zones/areas/major mailing systems not listed.  Please feel
   free to widely distribute this list.

   Comments, suggestions and corrections are welcomed.  Corrections may
   be mailed, E-mailed or telexed to the address at the end of this

   Note that whether you can reach a particular country depends on
   whether there is a connection to there and whether connections are
   permitted.  The inability to contact an area is usually due to
   political reasons.  For example, US callers cannot dial to Cuba, and
   most Arab countries cannot dial Israel.  Other countries have other
   restrictions.  No standing as to the validity of a country's name or
   existence is made by this document; this is simply an attempt to
   catalog all known related information.  Information is solicited for
   extra, old or alternate names for any existing country, or any
   missing details.

   Users on BITNET / FIDONET / UUCP addresses may require alteration of
   their address to conform to a transliteration scheme, and/or routing
   through a gateway.  (See Notes.)

Robinson                                                        [Page 2]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

                                  Telephone        TELEX
                                   Country   COUNTRY  ANSWER   Internet
     Name of Area/Country/Item      Code     CODE      BACK    Domain

   Abu Dhabi (UAE)                    ----    949       EM      AE
   Academic Internet clients          ----    ---       ---     EDU
   Adeli Land                         ----    ---       ---     ---
   Afganistan                           93    930       AF      ---
   Ajman (UAE)                         971    949,958   EM      AE
   Alaska (USA)                       1907    ---       UA      AK.US
   Albania                             355    866       AB      AL
   Algeria                             213    936       DZ      DZ
   American Samoa                      684    782       AS      AS
   America On Line Clients               1    ---       ---     AOL.COM
   Andorra                           33628    833       AND     AD
   Angola                              244    998       AN      AO
   Anguilla (BWI)                  1809497    317       LA      AI
   Antartica                          ----    ---       ---     AQ
   Antigua & Barbuda (BWI)            1809    306       AK      AG
   Argentina                            54    390       AR      AR
   Aruba (Neth. Antilles)              297    384       ---     AW
   Ascension Is.                       247    920       AV      ---
   Atlantic Ocean, Inmarsat            871    802,804,  MAS     ---
   Atlantic Ocean, Inmarsat            871    805,806,  MAS     ---
   Atlantic Ocean, Inmarsat            871    807       MAS     ---
   Australia                            61    790       AA      AU
   Austria                              43    847       A       AT
   Azores (Portugal)                   351    835       ---     ---

   Bahamas                            1809    382       BS      BS
   Bahrain                             973    955       BN      BH
   Balearic Is. (Spain)               ----    831       ---     ---
   Bangladesh                          880    950       BJ      BD
   Barbados (BWI)                     1809    386       WB      BB
   Belgium                              32    846       B       BE
   Belize (Br. Honduras)               501    310       BZ      BZ
   Benin (Dahomey)                     229    979       DY      BJ
   Bermuda                           18092    380       BA      BM
   Bhutan                             ----    733       ---     BT
   Bolivia CWC Telex                  ----    ---       BX      ---
   Bolivia                             591    336,355,  BX,BY   BO
   Bolivia                             591    356,376   BX,BY   BO
   Bolivia ENTEL Telex                ----    ---       BY      ---
   Bonaire (Neth. Antilles)            599    384       ---     ---
   Bophuthatswana (S.A.)              ----    932       BP      ---
   Botswana                            267    991       BD      BW
   Brazil                               55    391       BR      BR
   Brazzaville (Congo/Zaire)           243    968,971   KG      CG

Robinson                                                        [Page 3]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   Br. Ind. Ocean Ter. (Chr. Is.)     ----    917       IO      IO
   British Virgin Islands           180949    318       VB      VG
   Brunei Darussalam                   673    799       BU      BN
   Bulgaria                            359    865       BG      BG
   Burkina Faso                        226    985       BF      BF
   Burma                                95    713       BM      ---
   Burundi                             257    977       BDI     BI

   C.I.S. (Former U.S.S.R.)              7    871       SU      SU
   Caicos Islands & Turks             ----    315       ---
   Cambodia (Kampuchea)                855    720       ---     KH
   Cameroon                            237    978       KN      CM
   Canada - Ontario                   1519    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Ontario                   1705    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Quebec                    1514    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Ontario                   1613    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Ontario                   1416    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Ontario                   1519    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Ontario                   1807    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Quebec                    1418    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Quebec                    1819    389       CA      CA
   Canada - New Brunswick             1506    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Nova Scotia/PE. Is.       1902    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Newfoundland              1709    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Manitoba                  1204    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Saskatchewan              1308    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Alberta                   1403    389       CA      CA
   Canada - Br. Columbia              1604    389       CA      CA
   Canal Zone (Panama)                 507    328,348   CZ      PA
   Canal Zone (Panama)                 507    368       CZ      PA
   Canary Islands (Spain)             ----    966       ---     ---
   Cape Verde Islands                    2    938       CV      CV
   Caroline Islands                   ----    729       ---     ---
   Carriacou Islands (BWI)            1809    ---       ---     ---
   Cayman Islands (BWI)             180994    309       CP      KY
   Central African Rep.                236    980       RC      CF
   Ceylon (Sri Lanka)                   94    954       CE      LK
   Chad                                235    984       KD      TD
   Chatam Is. (N.Z.)                  ----    ---       ---     ---
   Chile                                56    332,352,  CK,CL,  CL
   Chile                                56    359,392   CT,CZ   CL
   Chile TDE Telex                    ----    ---       CL      ---
   China, Peoples Rep.                  86    716       CN      CN
   China, Rep of (Taiwan)              886    785       TW      TW
   Christmas Is. (Indian)             ----    917       IO      IO
   Christmas Is. (Pacific)            ----    ---       ---     CX
   Cocos - Keeling Is.                ----    918       KL      CC
   Columbia                             57    396       CO      CO

Robinson                                                        [Page 4]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   Comoros, F & I Rep.                  26    942       KO      KM
   Commerical Internet clients        ----    ---       ---     COM
   Compuserve Clients                    1    ---       --- COMPUSERVE.COM
   Congo, Rep. of (Zaire)              243    968,971   KG      CG
   Cook Islands (Rarotonga)           ----    717       RG      CK
   Corsica (France)                   ----    ---       ---     ---
   Costa Rica                          506    303       CR      CR
   Cote D'Ivoire                      ----    969       ---     CI
   Cuba                                 59    307       CU      CU
   Curaco (Netherlands Ant.)          ----    384       ---     ---
   Cyprus                              357    826       CY,TK   CY
   Czechoslovakia                       42    849       C       CS

   Dahomey Peo. Rep. (Benin)          ----    979       DY      BJ
   Denmark                              45    855       DK      DK
   Diego Garcia Is.                   ----    919       DJ      ---
   Djibouti Rep.                       253    994       ---     DJ
   Dominica (BWI)                     1809    304       DO      DM
   Dominican Republic                 1809    326,346   DR,DI   DO
   Dominican Republic                 1809    366       DR,DI
   Dubai (UAE)                         971    949,958   EM      AE

   East Timor                         ----    796       ---     TP
   Ecuador                             593    393       ED      EC
   Egypt, Arab Rep. of                  20    927       UN      EG
   Ellice Is. (Tuvalu)                 688    726       TV      TV
   El Salvador                         503    301       SAL     SV
   England (U.K.)                       44    851       G       UK,GB
   Equatorial Guinea                   240    939       ---     GQ
   Estonia                               7    871       SU      EE
   Ethiopia                            251    976       ET      ET

   Falkland Islands                   ----    319       FK      FK
   Faroe (Faeroe) Is.                  298    853       FA      FO
   Fidonet Clients                    ----    ---       ---   FIDONET.ORG
   Fiji Islands (Suva)                 679    792       FJ      FJ
   Finland                             358    857       SF      FI
   Formosa (Taiwan)                    886    785       TW      TW
   France                               33    842       F       FR
   French Antilles                     596    ---       ---     ---
   French Guiana                       594    313       FG      GF
   French Polynesia                    689    711       FP      PF
   French Southern Territory          ----    ---       ---     TF
   Fujaira (UAE)                      9719    949,958   EM      AE
   Futuna & Wallis Is.                 681    707       WF      WF

Robinson                                                        [Page 5]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   Gabon Rep.                          241    981       GO      GA
   Gambia                              220    992       GV      GM
   German X.400 National Network      ----    ---       ---     DBP.DE
   Germany                              49    840,841   D,DD    DE
   Ghana                               233    974       GH      GH
   Gibraltar                           350    837       GK      GI
   Government Internet clients        ----    ---       ---     GOV
   Gr. Britain/No. Ire.                 44    851       G       GB,UK
   Greece                               30    863       GR      GR
   Greenland                           299    859       GD      GL
   Grenada (BWI)                   1809440    320       GA      GD
   Grenadines & St. Vinc.             1809    321       VQ      VC
   Guadeloupe (Fr. Ant.)               590    340       GL      GP
   Guam                                671    721       GM      GU
   Guantanamo Bay USN                 5399    ---       ---     ---
   Guatemala                           502    305       GU      GT
   Guinea-Bissau                       245    931       ---     GW
   Guinea, Equatorial                  240    939       ---
   Guinea People Rep.                  224    995       GE      GN
   Guyana                              592    312       GY      GY

   Haiti                               509    329,349   HN      HT
   Hawaii (USA)                       1808    723,743,  HA,HR   HI.US
   Hawaii (USA)                       1808    763       HA,HR   HI.US
   Hawaii (USA) AT&T Telex            1808    743       ---    ATTMAIL.COM
   Heard and Mc Donald Is.            ----    ---       ---     HM
   Holland (Netherlands)                31    844       NL      NL
   Honduras, Rep. of                   504    311       HO      HN
   Hong Kong                           852    780       HX      HK
   Hungary                              36    861       H       HU

   Iceland                             354    858       IS      IS
   India                                91    953       IN      IN
   Indian Ocean, Inmarsat              873    902,904,  MAS     ---
   Indian Ocean, Inmarsat              873    905,906,  MAS     ---
   Indian Ocean, Inmarsat              873    907       MAS     ---
   Indonesia                            62    796       IA      ID
   Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean             871    802,804,  MAS     ---
   Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean             871    805,806,  MAS     ---
   Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean             871    807       MAS     ---
   Inmarsat Indian Ocean               873    902,904,  MAS     ---
   Inmarsat Indian Ocean               873    905,906,  MAS     ---
   Inmarsat Indian Ocean               873    907       MAS     ---
   Inmarsat Pacific Ocean              872    702,704,  MAS     ---
   Inmarsat Pacific Ocean              872    705,706,  MAS     ---
   Inmarsat Pacific Ocean              872    758       MAS     ---
   International Internet clients     ----    ---       ---     INT
   Internet Academic clients          ----    ---       ---     EDU

Robinson                                                        [Page 6]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   Internet Commerical clients        ----    ---       ---     COM
   Internet Government clients        ----    ---       ---     GOV
   Internet International clients     ----    ---       ---     INT
   Internet Military clients          ----    ---       ---     MIL
   Internet Network providers         ----    ---       ---     NET
   Internet Organizational clients    ----    ---       ---     ORG
   Iran                                 98    951       IR      IR
   Iraq                                964    943       IK      IQ
   Ireland, Northern (UK)               44    851       G       GB,UK
   Ireland, Rep. of (Eire)             353    852       EI      IE
   Israel                              972    922       IL      IL
   Italy                                39    843       I       IT
   Ivory Coast                         225    969       CI      ---

   Jamaica (BWI)                      1809    381       JA      JM
   Japan                                81    781       J       JP
   Jordan                              962    925       JO      JO

   Kampuchea (Cambodia)                 85    720       ---     KH
   Kenya                               254    963       KE      KE
   Kerguelan Archipelago              ----    ---       ---     ---
   Kiribati Rep.                       686    727       ---     KI
   Korea, North                       ----    ---       KP      KP
   Korea, Rep. of (South)               82    787       K       KR
   Kuwait                              965    959       KT      KW

   Laos, Peoples Dem. Rep. of          856    715       LS      LA
   Latvia                                7    871       SU      LV
   Lebanon                             961    923       LE      LB
   Lesotho                             266    990       LO      LS
   Liberia                             231    937       LI      LR
   Libyan Arab Jamahiriya              218    929       LY      LY
   Libya via Italy                    ----    ---       LYB     ---
   Liechtenstein                      4175    845       FL      LI
   Lithuania                             7    871       SU      LT
   Luxembourg                          352    848       LU      LU

   Macao (Macau)                       853    797       OM      MO
   Madagascar, Dem. Rep.               261    983       MG      MG
   Madeira Is. (Portugal)             ----    834       ---     ---
   Malawi                              265    988       MI      MW
   Malaysia                             60    784       MA      MY
   Maldives                            960    940       MF      MV
   Mali, Rep. of                       223    972       MJ      ML
   Malta                               356    838       MW,MT   MT
   Mariana Is. (Saipan)               ----    724,783   MN      ---
   Marshall Is.                        692    730       ---     MH
   Martinique (French Ant.)            596    300       MR      MQ

Robinson                                                        [Page 7]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   Mauritania, Islamic Rep.            222    935       MTN     MR
   Mauritius Is.                       230    996       IW      MU
   Mayotte (France)                     33    842       F       ---
   Mexico                               52    383       ME      MX
   Micronesia                          691    729       ---     FM
   Midway Island                      ----    ---       ---     ---
   Military Internet clients          ----    ---       ---     MIL
   Monaco                             3393    842       MC      MC
   Mongolian Peoples Rep.              976    719       MH      MN
   Montserrat (BWI)                1809491    360       MK      MS
   Morocco                             212    933       M       MA
   Mozambique                          258    946       MO      MZ
   Myanmar, Union of                  ----    713       ---     MM

   Namibia (S.W. Africa)               264    964       ---     NA
   Nauru                               674    739       ---     NR
   Nepal                               977    947       NP      NP
   Netherland Antilles                 599    384       NA      AN
   Netherlands (Holland)                31    844       NL      NL
   Network gateways, Internet         ----    ---       ---     NET
   Neutral Zone                       ----    ---       ---     NT
   Nevis [St. Kitts] (BWI)            1809    361       KC      KN
   New Caledonia                       687    714       NM      NC
   New Guinea, Papua                   675    794,795   NE      PG
   New Hebrides (Vanuatu)              678    718       NH      VU
   New Zealand                          64    791       NZ      NZ
   Nicaragua                           505    302       NK      NI
   Niger Rep.                          227    982       NI      NE
   Nigeria, Fed. Rep.                  234    961       NG      NG
   Niue Is.                              6    772       ---     NU
   Norfolk Island                      672    756       ---     NF
   Northern Cyprus (Turkey)           ----    821       ---     ---
   Northern Ireland (UK)                44    851       G       GB,UK
   Northern Mariana Is.                670    724,783   MN      MP
   Norway                               47    856       N       NO

   Okinawa (JAPAN)                      81    781       J       JP
   Oman                                968    926       ON      OM
   Organizational Internet clients    ----    ---       ---     ORG

   Pacific Ocean, Inmarsat             872    702,704,  MAS     ---
   Pacific Ocean, Inmarsat             872    705,706,  MAS     ---
   Pacific Ocean, Inmarsat             872    758       MAS     ---
   Pakistan                             92    952       PK      PK
   Palau                              ----    728       ---     PW
   Panama/INT Telex                   ----    ---       PG      ---
   Panama                              507    328,348,  PA,PG   PA
   Panama                              507    368       PA,PG   PA

Robinson                                                        [Page 8]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   Papua New Guinea                    675    794,795   NE      PG
   Paraguay                            595    399       PY      PY
   Peru                                 51    334,394   PE      PE
   Philippines                          63    712,722,  PH,PM,  PH
   Philippines                          63    732,742,  PN,PU,  PH
   Philippines                          63    762,778   PS      PH
   Philippines PTT/Telex              ----    ---       PU      ---
   Philippines PGC/Telex              ----    ---       PH      ---
   Philippines GMC/Telex              ----    ---       PM      ---
   Philippines ETP/Telex              ----    ---       PN      ---
   Philippines CWI/Telex              ----    ---       PS      ---
   Pitcairn Island                    ----    ---       ---     PN
   Poland                               48    867       PL      PL
   Portugal, Madeira & Azores          351    832       P       PT
   Principe, Sao Tome &                239    916       ST      ST
   Puerto Rico                        1809    324,325,  PD,PF,  PR
   Puerto Rico                        1809    345,365,  PR,     PR
   Puerto Rico                        1809    385       PT      PR

   Qatar                               974    957       DH      QA

   Ras Al Khaimah (UAE)               9717    944,949   EM      AE
   Reunion Is.                         262    941       RE      RE
   Rodriquez Island                   ----    ---       ---     ---
   Romania                              40    864       R       RO
   Russia (Formerly USSR)                7    871       SU      SU
   Rwanda                              250    967       RW      RW
   Ryukyu Is. (Okinawa)                 81    781       J       JP

   Saba (Neth. Ant.)                   599    384       NA      ---
   Saipan (N. Mariana Is.)             670    724,783   MN      MP
   Samoa, American                     684    782       AS      AS
   Samoa, Western                      685    793       SX      WS
   San Marino                        39549    868       SO      SM
   Sao Tome & Principe                 239    916       ST      ST
   Saudi Arabia                        966    928       SJ      SA
   Senegal Rep.                        221    962       SG      SN
   Seychelles Is.                      248    997       SZ      SC
   Sharjah (UAE)                       971    949,958   EM      AE
   Sierra Leone                        232    989       SL      SL
   Singapore, Rep. of                   65    786       RS      SG
   Slovenia                             42    849       C       SI
   Solomon Is.                         677    769       HQ      SB
   Somali Rep.                         252    999       SM      SO
   South Africa, Rep. of                27    960       SA      ZA
   South Georgia                      ----    ---       ---     ---
   Southwest Africa/Namibia            264    964       ---     NA
   Spain                                34    831       E       ES

Robinson                                                        [Page 9]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   Spanish North Africa               ----    831       E       ---
   Spitzbergen (Svalbard)             ----    ---       ---     SJ
   Sri Lanka (Ceylon)                   94    954       CE      LK
   St. Barthelemy (Fr. Ant.)          ----    340       ---     ---
   St. Christopher (BWI)              1809    361       KC      ---
   St. Kitts - Nevis (BWI)            1809    361       KC      KN
   St. Croix (US V.I.)                1809    327,347   VI,     VI
   St. Croix (US V.I.)                1809    367       VZ      VI
   St. Eustatius (Neth. Ant.)         ----    384       NA      ---
   St. Helena                         ----    921       HL      SH
   St. Lucia (BWI)                    1809    341       LC      LC
   St. Maarten (Neth. Ant.)           ----    384       NA      ---
   St. Martin (Fr. Ant.)               596    340       ---     ---
   St. Paul & Amsterdam Is.           ----    ---       ---     ---
   St. Pierre/Miquelon Is.             508    316       QN      PM
   St. Thomas (US V.I.)               1809    327,347   VI,     VI
   St. Thomas (US V.I.)               1809    367       VZ      VI
   St. Thome Is. (PWA)                ----    ---       ---     ---
   St. Vincent/Grenadines (W.I.)      1809    321       VQ      VC
   Sudan                              ----    970       SD      SD
   Suriname, Rep. of                   597    397       SN      SR
   Svalbard & Jan Mayen Is.           ----    ---       ---     SJ
   Swaziland                           268    993       WD      SZ
   Sweden                               46    854       S       SE
   Switzerland                          41    845       CH      CH
   Syrian Arab Rep.                    963    924       SY      SY

   Tahiti (Fr. Polynesia)              689    711       ---     ---
   Taiwan (Rep. of China)              886    785       TW      TW
   Tanzania (Zanzibar)                 255    975       TZ      TZ
   Thailand                             66    788       TH      TH
   Tibet                              ----    716       ---     ---
   Timor, East                        ----    796       ---     TP
   Togolese Rep.                       228    986       TO      TG
   Tokelau Is.                        ----    ---       ---     TK
   Tonga Is.                           676    765       TS      TO
   Tortola (Br. V.I.)                 1809    318       VB      ---
   Transkei Republic                  ----    915       TT      ---
   Trinidad & Tobago (BWI)            1809    387       WG      TT
   Tristan Da Cunha                   ----    ---       ---     ---
   Tunisia                             216    934       TN      TN
   Turkey                               90    821       TR      TR
   Turks & Caicos Is.                 1809    315       TQ      TC
   Tuvalu (Ellice Is.)                 688    726       TV      TV

Robinson                                                       [Page 10]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   Uganda                              256    973       UG      UG
   Ukraine                               7    871       SU      UA
   Umm Al Quwain (UAE)                9716    958       EM      AE
   United Arab Emirates                971    949,958   EM      AE
   United Kingdom                       44    851       G       GB,UK
   United States                         1    ---       US      US
   United States - Alabama            1205    ---       US      AL.US
   United States - Alaska             1907    ---       UA      AK.US
   United States - Arizona            1602    ---       US      AZ.US
   United States - Arkansas           1501    ---       US      AZ.US
   United States - California         1209,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1213,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1310,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1408,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1415,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1510,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1619,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1707,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1714,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1805,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1818,   ---       US      CA.US
   United States - California         1916    ---       US      CA.US
   United States - Colorado           1303,   ---       US      CO.US
   United States - Colorado           1719    ---       US      CO.US
   United States - Connecticut        1203    ---       US      CT.US
   United States - Delaware           1302    ---       US      DE.US
   United States - Dist. of Columbia  1202    ---       US      DC.US
   United States - Florida            1305,   ---       US      FL.US
   United States - Florida            1407,   ---       US      FL.US
   United States - Florida            1813,   ---       US      FL.US
   United States - Florida            1904    ---       US      FL.US
   United States - Georgia            1404,   ---       US      GA.US
   United States - Georgia            1706    ---       US      GA.US
   United States - Georgia            1912    ---       US      GA.US
   United States - Idaho              1208    ---       US      ID.US
   United States - Illinois           1217,   ---       US      IL.US
   United States - Illinois           1309,   ---       US      IL.US
   United States - Illinois           1312,   ---       US      IL.US
   United States - Illinois           1618,   ---       US      IL.US
   United States - Illinois           1708,   ---       US      IL.US
   United States - Illinois           1815    ---       US      IL.US
   United States - Indiana            1219,   ---       US      IN.US
   United States - Indiana            1317,   ---       US      IN.US
   United States - Indiana            1812    ---       US      IN.US
   United States - Iowa               1319,   ---       US      IA.US
   United States - Iowa               1515,   ---       US      IA.US
   United States - Iowa               1712    ---       US      IA.US
   United States - Kansas             1316,   ---       US      KS.US

Robinson                                                       [Page 11]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   United States - Kansas             1913    ---       US      KS.US
   United States - Kentucky           1502,   ---       US      KY.US
   United States - Kentucky           1606    ---       US      KY.US
   United States - Louisiana          1318,   ---       US      LA.US
   United States - Louisiana          1504    ---       US      LA.US
   United States - Maine              1207    ---       US      ME.US
   United States - Maryland           1301,   ---       US      MD.US
   United States - Maryland           1410    ---       US      MD.US
   United States - Massachusetts      1413,   ---       US      MA.US
   United States - Massachusetts      1508,   ---       US      MA.US
   United States - Massachusetts      1617    ---       US      MA.US
   United States - Michigan           1313,   ---       US      MI.US
   United States - Michigan           1517,   ---       US      MI.US
   United States - Michigan           1616,   ---       US      MI.US
   United States - Michigan           1906    ---       US      MI.US
   United States - Minnesota          1218,   ---       US      MN.US
   United States - Minnesota          1507,   ---       US      MN.US
   United States - Minnesota          1612    ---       US      MN.US
   United States - Mississippi        1601    ---       US      MS.US
   United States - Missouri           1314,   ---       US      MS.US
   United States - Missouri           1417,   ---       US      MS.US
   United States - Missouri           1816    ---       US      MO.US
   United States - Montana            1406    ---       US      MT.US
   United States - Nebraska           1308,   ---       US      NE.US
   United States - Nebraska           1402    ---       US      NE.US
   United States - Nevada             1702    ---       US      NV.US
   United States - New Hampshire      1603    ---       US      NH.US
   United States - New Jersey         1201,   ---       US      NJ.US
   United States - New Jersey         1609,   ---       US      NJ.US
   United States - New Jersey         1908    ---       US      NJ.US
   United States - New Mexico         1505    ---       US      NM.US
   United States - New York           1212,   ---       US      NY.US
   United States - New York           1315,   ---       US      NY.US
   United States - New York           1516,   ---       US      NY.US
   United States - New York           1518,   ---       US      NY.US
   United States - New York           1607,   ---       US      NY.US
   United States - New York           1716,   ---       US      NY.US
   United States - New York           1718,   ---       US      NY.US
   United States - New York           1914,   ---       US      NY.US
   United States - New York           1917    ---       US      NY.US
   United States - North Carolina     1704,   ---       US      NC.US
   United States - North Carolina     1919    ---       US      NC.US
   United States - North Dakota       1701    ---       US      ND.US
   United States - Ohio               1216,   ---       US      OH.US
   United States - Ohio               1419,   ---       US      OH.US
   United States - Ohio               1513,   ---       US      OH.US
   United States - Ohio               1614    ---       US      OH.US
   United States - Oklahoma           1405,   ---       US      OK.US

Robinson                                                       [Page 12]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   United States - Oklahoma           1918    ---       US      OK.US
   United States - Oregon             1503    ---       US      OR.US
   United States - Pennsylvania       1215,   ---       US      PA.US
   United States - Pennsylvania       1412,   ---       US      PA.US
   United States - Pennsylvania       1717,   ---       US      PA.US
   United States - Pennsylvania       1814    ---       US      PA.US
   United States - Rhode Island       1401    ---       US      RI.US
   United States - South Carolina     1803    ---       US      SC.US
   United States - South Dakota       1605    ---       US      SD.US
   United States - Tennessee          1615,   ---       US      TN.US
   United States - Tennessee          1901,   ---       US      TN.US
   United States - Texas              1214,   ---       US      TX.US
   United States - Texas              1409,   ---       US      TX.US
   United States - Texas              1512,   ---       US      TX.US
   United States - Texas              1713,   ---       US      TX.US
   United States - Texas              1806,   ---       US      TX.US
   United States - Texas              1817,   ---       US      TX.US
   United States - Texas              1903,   ---       US      TX.US
   United States - Texas              1915    ---       US      TX.US
   United States - Utah               1801    ---       US      UT.US
   United States - Vermont            1802    ---       US      VT.US
   United States - Virginia           1703,   ---       US      VA.US
   United States - Virginia           1804    ---       US      VA.US
   United States - Washington         1206,   ---       US      WA.US
   United States - Washington         1509    ---       US      WA.US
   United States - West Virginia      1304    ---       US      WV.US
   United States - Wisconsin          1414,   ---       US      WI.US
   United States - Wisconsin          1608,   ---       US      WI.US
   United States - Wisconsin          1715    ---       US      WI.US
   United States - Wyoming            1307    ---       US      WY.US
   Upper Volta                         226    985       ---     ---
   Uruguay                             598    398       UY      UY
   U.S.S.R. [Russia] (C.I.S.)            7    871       SU      SU
   US Telex-Alaska                    1907    ---       UA      AK.US
   US Telex-AT&T                         1    ---       ---   ATTMAIL.COM
   US Telex-FTCC                         1    ---       UF      ---
   US Telex-Graphnet                     1    ---       UB      ---
   US Telex-Hawaii                    1808    723,743,  HA,HR   HI.US
   US Telex-Hawaii                    1808    763       HA,HR   HI.US
   US Telex-Hawaii AT&T               1808    743       ---   ATTMAIL.COM
   US Telex-RCA                          1    ---       UR      ---
   US Telex-TRT                          1    ---       UT      ---
   US Telex-WUC                          1    ---       UD      ---
   US Telex-WUI/MCI                      1    ---       UW    MCIMAIL.COM
   US Telex-WU WORLDCOM                  1    ---       UI      ---
   UUNet Clients                         1    ---       ---     UUNET.NET

Robinson                                                       [Page 13]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

   Vanuatu (New Hebrides)              678    718       NH      VU
   Vatican City                         39    803       VA      VA
   Vatican City Via Italy               39    ---       VAC     ---
   Venda                              ----    ---       VM      ---
   Venezuela                            58    395       VE      VE
   Vietnam                              84    798       VT      VN
   Virgin Is., British                1809    318       VB      VG
   Virgin Is., U.S.                   1809    327,347,  VI,     VI
   Virgin Is., U.S.                   1809    367       VZ      VI

   Wake Is                            ----    ---       ---     ---
   Wallis & Futuna Is.                 681    707       ---     WF
   Western Sahara                     ----    ---       ---     EH
   Western Samoa                       685    793       SX      ---

   Yemen Arab Rep. (Formerly N.)       969    948,956   YD,YE   YE
   Yemen Dem. Rep. (Formerly S.)       967    956       YD,YE   YE
   Yugoslavia                           38    862       YU      YU

   Zaire, Rep. of                      243    968       ZR      ZR
   Zambia                              260    965       ZA      ZM
   Zanzibar (Tanzania)                 259    975       TZ      TZ
   Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)                 263    987       ---     ZW


      Within the BITNET community, names of the form "System.BITNET" are
      used.  These are not registered names in the Domain Naming System
      (DNS).  To use BITNET names in the Internet, one must use the per
      cent sign hack to route the mail through an Internet/BITNET
      gateway.  For example, user%System.Bitnet@VBVM.BUFFALO.EDU.


      Within the UUCP community, names of the form "host.UUCP" are
      sometimes used.  These are not registered names in the DNS.  To
      use UUCP names in the Internet, one must use the per cent sign
      hack to route the mail through an Internet/UUCP gateway.  For
      example, user%host.UUCP@enuucp.eas.asu.edu


      For historical reasons, a section of the DNS namespace uses the
      ".ARPA" domain to register the addresses of hosts and networks to
      enable reverse lookups.

Robinson                                                       [Page 14]

RFC 1394            Telex Answerback Codes & Domains        January 1993

Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

   Paul Robinson
   Tansin A. Darcos & Company
   8604 Second Avenue #104
   Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA

   Phone:   +1 202-310-1011
   Telex:   6505066432MCI UW

Robinson                                                       [Page 15]


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